Weekend in Quest Program Highlights:
The Modern Moroccan Jewish Experience
Holiday Inn Express, Astoria, Oregon
February 24-26, 2012
The weekend program includes four study sessions with Prof. Kosansky:
- Session 1: We are all Sons of Adam and other stories about Jews and Muslims in Morocco
- Session 2: All Dear Unto God: Saints and Pilgrimages in Jewish Morocco
- Session 3: When Jews speak Arabic: Jewish languages in North Africa
- Session 4: Up to Heaven like the Soul: Sacred texts, the Rabat Genizah, and Mediterranean Jewish HIstory
Professor Kosansky's research concentrates on the history, and the past and present culture, of the Jews of Morocco.
In addition to the study sessions, we gather for
- five meals together: Friday and Saturday dinners, Saturday lunch, and (for those staying overnight at the hotel) Saturday and Sunday breakfasts;
- Shabbat services Friday evening and Saturday morning, led by Rabbi Joey Wolf of Portland's Congregation Havurah Shalom;
- enjoyable Saturday evening entertainment.