Weekend in Quest Program Highlights:
Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in the Iberian World
Holiday Inn Express, Astoria, Oregon
March 1-3, 2012
The weekend program includes four study sessions
with Prof. Matthew Warshawsky:
with Prof. Matthew Warshawsky:
- Session 1: Convivencia and Conflict: the Three Cultures of Medieval Iberia
- Session 2: The Gathering Storm: Riots, Inquisition, and Expulsion; How the "King's Jews" Became Expendable
- Session 3: A Trans-Atlantic Sephardic Diaspora: Jews and Conversos in the Conquest of the Americas and Crypto-Jews in the Shadow of the Colonial Inquisition
- Session 4: Treasures of a Remnant Culture: Jewish and Converso Perspectives in Spanish Literature post-1492, and Crypto-Judaism in the American Southwest Today
Click HERE for more details on the study sessions.
In addition to the study sessions, we will gather for
- Shabbat services Friday evening and Saturday morning, led by Ilene Safyan, Cantorial Soloist and Music Coordinator at Portland's Congregation Havurah Shalom; Cantorial Soloist at Portland's Congregation Neveh Shalom
- five meals together: Friday and Saturday dinners, Saturday lunch, and (for those staying overnight at the hotel) Saturday and Sunday breakfasts;
- enjoyable Saturday evening entertainment.