The Rise and Fall of Ladino-Speaking Jewry
Scholar in Residence:
Prof. Devin Naar, University of Washington
The weekend program includes four study sessions
with Prof. Devin Naar:

Session 1: Under the Wings of the Sultan: The Rise of Jewish Communities in the Ottoman Empire
Session 2: A Jewish Language for All Occasions: Ladino Culture and Literature
Session 3: The Sephardic Holocaust: The Destruction of the Jews of Greece
Session 4: A Diaspora within a Diaspora: Sephardic Jews in America
Session 2: A Jewish Language for All Occasions: Ladino Culture and Literature
Session 3: The Sephardic Holocaust: The Destruction of the Jews of Greece
Session 4: A Diaspora within a Diaspora: Sephardic Jews in America
- Click HERE for more details on the study sessions.
In addition to the study sessions, we will gather for

- Shabbat services Friday evening and Saturday morning, led by Cantor Deborah Bletstein of Congregation Neveh Shalom
- five meals together: Friday and Saturday dinners, Saturday lunch, and (for those staying overnight at the hotel) Saturday and Sunday breakfasts
- enjoyable Saturday evening entertainment