Weekend in Quest 2016 Study Sessions
Is There a Future for Jewish Peoplehood?
with Prof. Noam Pianko
Session 1: American Zionism and the Emergence of Peoplehood
Though it evokes a sense of timelessness, the term “Jewish Peoplehood” emerged in the United States in the 1930’s. Learn the surprising story of the emergence of this concept.
Session 2: 1948, The Jewish State and the Jewish People
While Zionism inspired the idea of Jewish Peoplehood, the founding of the State of Israel dramatically transformed the meaning and significance of the term in the second half of the twentieth century.
Session 3: Peoplehood in a Post-Everything Age
What challenges does the ideal of Jewish Peoplehood face in a culture that celebrates integration, voluntary associations, and multiple allegiances? We will discuss why popular models of peoplehood fail to address emerging conceptions of ethnicity, nationalism, and race.
Session 4: The Future of Peoplehood
Many lament the erosion of Jewish Peoplehood. Is there a future for this concept? If so, what models will be most effective? Our weekend concludes with a roadmap for reconfiguring Jewish collectivity in an increasingly global era.